| There was not an overwhelming amount of students who listed Spanish as their favorite
class. However, many more seventh graders listed it as their favorite class than the
eighth graders. |
 | The students who listed Spanish as their favorite class said it was because they thought
it was neat to learn another language. |
 | Most of the students did not choose the fact that Spanish is spoken all the time in
Spanish class as the best part of the class. They also did not say that the best
part was because they were not afraid of making mistakes. |
 | The most common choices for the best part of Spanish class was that it challenged them,
they got to have a different name in the class, and they were allowed to express their
opinions and experiences freely. Very few students stated the fact that Spanish was
an easy class. |
 | The most common choices for the best part of Spanish class focusing on the teachers were
that the teacher made students feel welcome in class and that he was funny. The
students tended to agree that part of the reason they enjoyed Spanish class was because
there was a comfortable atmosphere where both the students and the teacher use humor as a
positive part of their learning experience. |
 | Students who participated a lot in most of their other classes also participated a lot
in Spanish. The students who participated often in Spanish class said it was because
they understood what was going on and they felt like they were learning something. |
 | In some cases, students who did not participate much in other classes were involved more
in Spanish class. Students stated that the reason they participated more in Spanish
was because it was fun and they felt comfortable using another language to express
themselves. |